
Shore Conference Wrestling



Division 1 All-Americans

Andrew Skove  -  Long Branch
1988:  6th Place - 158 pounds - Ohio State University

Jude Skove  -  Long Branch
1986:  National Champion - 158 pounds - Ohio State University

Luke Skove  -  Long Branch
1984:  5th Place - 142 pounds - Oklahoma State University
1985:  7th Place - 150 pounds - Oklahoma State University
1986:  4th Place - 142 pounds - Oklahoma State University

Matt Skove  -  Long Branch
1983:  4th Place - 158 pounds - Oklahoma State University



Division 3 All-Americans

Martin Porter  -  Long Branch
2010:  6th Place - 197 pounds - Delaware Valley College

Peter Wersinger  -  Long Branch
2024: 8th Place - Heavyweight - The College of New Jersey